Our company provides our target audience with products such as D8, D10, THC-O, and other disposable and cartridges with the highest quality of product available in the current market.
Our company has multiple D8, D10, THC-O, products such as D8 Buddy Max, Miracle Plus, and Skull8. All brands come in cartridges and disposable forms. The lab reports linked show that all products are 94.79% (~95%) cannabinoids. The aesthetics and composition of the products are researched, engineered, and manufactured in top-end factories for the satisfaction of the consumer.
Our company deals with B2B (Business to Business). Our target audience is smokeshop owners, gas station owners, CBD Stores, convenience stores, hedge shops, vitamin stores, etc. We are currently developing a website that is available to direct consumers of the products. The expected air time of the website is to be towards the end of 2023.
We do sell other hot-selling products more than suitable for any of our clients, check it out in our NEW Catalog in the menu bar.